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Purple Frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis)

  • Context (TH): Tamil Nadu established a special fund to save Purple Frog in the Western Ghats.

Purple Frog

  • The Purple Frog is believed to be a ‘living fossil’ having co-existed with dinosaurs.
  • It has similarities to the Sooglossidae family of frogs in Seychelles.
  • It has been acknowledged by bio-geographers all over the world as one of the rarest kinds and a ‘once in a century find’.
  • The frog spends most of its life underground and surfaces only during the monsoon, for a period of two weeks, for mating.
  • Physical description: The purple frog has a bloated body with short stout limbs and is dark purple to greyish in colour.
    • It has a small head in comparison to the body length, and an unusually pointed snout.
    • Unlike other frogs, it has very short hind legs, which does not allow it to leap from one spot to another.
  • Habitat: It prefers loose, damp and well-aerated soil close to ponds and ditches or streams.
  • Range: It is endemic to select habitats in the Western Ghats in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
  • Conservation Status: IUCN: Near Threatened | WPA: Schedule I
  • It ranked four on the ‘EDGE (Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered) of Existence’ priority amphibians list collated by the Zoological Society of London.
  • Threats: Clearance of forest for coffee, cardamom and ginger plantations, consumption of its tadpoles, climate change, etc.
  • Living fossils are organisms that have remained essentially unchanged from earlier geologic times and whose close relatives are usually extinct.
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