- Context (NDTV): “Incredibly Rare” Cantor’s Giant Turtle was found In Kerala.

- The Asian giant softshell turtle, commonly as Cantor’s giant softshell turtle and the frog-faced softshell turtle, is a species of freshwater turtle.
- The species is native to South and Southeast Asia.
- Physical Appearance: The turtle has a broad head and small eyes close to the tip of its snout. The carapace is smooth and olive-colored.
- Behaviour: The turtle spends 95% of its life buried and motionless, with only its eyes and mouth protruding from the sand.
- Habitat: Lakes, rivers, estuaries, seacoasts, and occasionally in coastal marine waters.
- Range: Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore (extirpated), Thailand, Vietnam
- Diet: Primarily carnivores (piscivores) feeding on fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. They may also supplement their diet with some aquatic plants.
- Conservation Status: IUCN: Critically Endangered (CR) | WPA: Schedule I | CITES: Appendix II
- Threats: Illegal Poaching, Habitat destruction, etc.
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