Context (TH): Snow Leopard has been declared the National Symbol of Kyrgyzstan.
Snow leopard (or Ghost of the Mountains) is a keystoneand indicator speciesof high-altitude habitat.Itis aflagship species for the high-altitude Himalayan ecosystem.
It is the 7th largest cat speciesin the world.
Distribution: It is native to the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia. In India, it occurs in the Himalayanregion.
Habitat: Alpine and subalpine zones.
Indian states/UTs with largest snow leopard population: 1stLadakh > 2nd HP > 3rd Uttarakhand.
Threats: Habitat loss, poaching, climate change, unregulated tourism, and competition with livestock.
Conservation Status: IUCN Red List:Vulnerable | CITES:Appendix I | WPA,1972:Schedule I
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