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Question 1 of 5
1. Question
Q1. {Geo – IG – Lakshadweep} Consider the following statements:
The islands of Lakshadweep have beautiful relief features such as hills, streams, valleys, etc.
Minicoy has an ethnically Mahl’s population that are native to the Maldives.
Unlike other Islamic Societies, Lakshadweep has an Islamic matrilineal society.
Lakshadweep is under the jurisdiction of High Court of Kerala.
How many of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
Statement 1 is incorrect
Lakshadweep is an island of coral origin (atoll) surrounded by fringing reefs in the Arabian Sea.
Most islands have low elevations (< 5 meters) and are highly vulnerable to sea level change.
Their topography is flat, and relief features such as hills, streams, valleys, etc., are absent.
Statement 2 is correct
Most people of Lakshadweep are descendants of migrants from the Malabar Coast of southwest India and the islanders are ethnically like coastal Kerala’s Malayali people. More than 93% of the resident population are Muslims, and the majority of them belong to the Shafi School of the Sunni Sect.
The southernmost and second largest island, Minicoy has an ethnically Mahlspopulation that are native to the Maldives.
Malayalam is spoken in all the islandsexcept Minicoy where people speak Mahl which is written in Divehi script and is spoken in Maldives also.
Statement 3 is correct
Though inhabited by most Muslim residents, Islam practised in the Lakshadweep is unique.
Lakshadweep has an Islamic matrilineal society influenced by Hindu traditions and caste structure.
Later waves of immigrants included Malabari Hindus, including Nambudiri Brahmins, Nairs, Tiyyars and probably Mukkuvans.
The existing caste structure and prevailing Marumakkathayam matrilineal inheritance system resulted from these later immigrations.
Statement 4 is correct
Lakshadweep is under the jurisdiction of High Court of Kerala.
There is a Munsiff Court in Andrott having jurisdiction over islands of Kavaratti, Andrott, Minicoy and Kalpeni.
Another Munsiff Court is In Amini with jurisdiction over Amini, Agatti, Kadmat, Kiltan, Chetlat and Bitra islands.
These courts also function as Court of Judicial Magistrate of First Class for their concerned jurisdiction.
The Judicial Magistrate at Andrott is holding the charge of the Chief Judicial Magistrate.
Answer: (c) Only three; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is incorrect
Lakshadweep is an island of coral origin (atoll) surrounded by fringing reefs in the Arabian Sea.
Most islands have low elevations (< 5 meters) and are highly vulnerable to sea level change.
Their topography is flat, and relief features such as hills, streams, valleys, etc., are absent.
Statement 2 is correct
Most people of Lakshadweep are descendants of migrants from the Malabar Coast of southwest India and the islanders are ethnically like coastal Kerala’s Malayali people. More than 93% of the resident population are Muslims, and the majority of them belong to the Shafi School of the Sunni Sect.
The southernmost and second largest island, Minicoy has an ethnically Mahlspopulation that are native to the Maldives.
Malayalam is spoken in all the islandsexcept Minicoy where people speak Mahl which is written in Divehi script and is spoken in Maldives also.
Statement 3 is correct
Though inhabited by most Muslim residents, Islam practised in the Lakshadweep is unique.
Lakshadweep has an Islamic matrilineal society influenced by Hindu traditions and caste structure.
Later waves of immigrants included Malabari Hindus, including Nambudiri Brahmins, Nairs, Tiyyars and probably Mukkuvans.
The existing caste structure and prevailing Marumakkathayam matrilineal inheritance system resulted from these later immigrations.
Statement 4 is correct
Lakshadweep is under the jurisdiction of High Court of Kerala.
There is a Munsiff Court in Andrott having jurisdiction over islands of Kavaratti, Andrott, Minicoy and Kalpeni.
Another Munsiff Court is In Amini with jurisdiction over Amini, Agatti, Kadmat, Kiltan, Chetlat and Bitra islands.
These courts also function as Court of Judicial Magistrate of First Class for their concerned jurisdiction.
The Judicial Magistrate at Andrott is holding the charge of the Chief Judicial Magistrate.
Answer: (c) Only three; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is incorrect
Lakshadweep is an island of coral origin (atoll) surrounded by fringing reefs in the Arabian Sea.
Most islands have low elevations (< 5 meters) and are highly vulnerable to sea level change.
Their topography is flat, and relief features such as hills, streams, valleys, etc., are absent.
Statement 2 is correct
Most people of Lakshadweep are descendants of migrants from the Malabar Coast of southwest India and the islanders are ethnically like coastal Kerala’s Malayali people. More than 93% of the resident population are Muslims, and the majority of them belong to the Shafi School of the Sunni Sect.
The southernmost and second largest island, Minicoy has an ethnically Mahlspopulation that are native to the Maldives.
Malayalam is spoken in all the islandsexcept Minicoy where people speak Mahl which is written in Divehi script and is spoken in Maldives also.
Statement 3 is correct
Though inhabited by most Muslim residents, Islam practised in the Lakshadweep is unique.
Lakshadweep has an Islamic matrilineal society influenced by Hindu traditions and caste structure.
Later waves of immigrants included Malabari Hindus, including Nambudiri Brahmins, Nairs, Tiyyars and probably Mukkuvans.
The existing caste structure and prevailing Marumakkathayam matrilineal inheritance system resulted from these later immigrations.
Statement 4 is correct
Lakshadweep is under the jurisdiction of High Court of Kerala.
There is a Munsiff Court in Andrott having jurisdiction over islands of Kavaratti, Andrott, Minicoy and Kalpeni.
Another Munsiff Court is In Amini with jurisdiction over Amini, Agatti, Kadmat, Kiltan, Chetlat and Bitra islands.
These courts also function as Court of Judicial Magistrate of First Class for their concerned jurisdiction.
The Judicial Magistrate at Andrott is holding the charge of the Chief Judicial Magistrate.
Answer: (c) Only three; Difficulty Level: Medium
Question 2 of 5
2. Question
Q2. {Vulnerable Sections – Children} Consider the following statements:
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 defines ‘adolescent’ as a person who has completed eighteen years of age.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 talks about Eradication of child labour in all forms by 2025.
Employing children in entertainment and advertisement industry is Violative of Article 24 of Indian Constitution.
The Chairperson and Members of National Commission for Protection of Child Rights have a fixed tenure of 3 years.
How many of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
Statement 1 is incorrect
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 defines ‘child’ as a person who has not completed eighteen years of age.
The term ‘adolescent’ is not defined in the JJ Act, 2015.
Statement 2 is correct
SDG-8: – “Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025end child labour in all its forms.”
Statement 3 is incorrect
Article 24 of the Indian Constitution, Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy provide child protection. It says no child under 14 years of age shall be employed to work at any hazardous place.
The existing laws in India permit employing children in entertainment and advertisement industry. Since they are not coveredeither under the Factories Act 1948 or in Child Labour [Prohibition and Regulation] Act 1986,because it does not come under the hazardous category.
Statement 4 is correct
National Commission for Protection of Child Rights has a chairperson and six members of which at least two should be women.
All of them are appointed by the Central Government for 3 years.
The maximum age to serve in the commission is 65 years for Chairman and 60 years for members.
Answer: (b) Only two; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is incorrect
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 defines ‘child’ as a person who has not completed eighteen years of age.
The term ‘adolescent’ is not defined in the JJ Act, 2015.
Statement 2 is correct
SDG-8: – “Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025end child labour in all its forms.”
Statement 3 is incorrect
Article 24 of the Indian Constitution, Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy provide child protection. It says no child under 14 years of age shall be employed to work at any hazardous place.
The existing laws in India permit employing children in entertainment and advertisement industry. Since they are not coveredeither under the Factories Act 1948 or in Child Labour [Prohibition and Regulation] Act 1986,because it does not come under the hazardous category.
Statement 4 is correct
National Commission for Protection of Child Rights has a chairperson and six members of which at least two should be women.
All of them are appointed by the Central Government for 3 years.
The maximum age to serve in the commission is 65 years for Chairman and 60 years for members.
Answer: (b) Only two; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is incorrect
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 defines ‘child’ as a person who has not completed eighteen years of age.
The term ‘adolescent’ is not defined in the JJ Act, 2015.
Statement 2 is correct
SDG-8: – “Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025end child labour in all its forms.”
Statement 3 is incorrect
Article 24 of the Indian Constitution, Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy provide child protection. It says no child under 14 years of age shall be employed to work at any hazardous place.
The existing laws in India permit employing children in entertainment and advertisement industry. Since they are not coveredeither under the Factories Act 1948 or in Child Labour [Prohibition and Regulation] Act 1986,because it does not come under the hazardous category.
Statement 4 is correct
National Commission for Protection of Child Rights has a chairperson and six members of which at least two should be women.
All of them are appointed by the Central Government for 3 years.
The maximum age to serve in the commission is 65 years for Chairman and 60 years for members.
Answer: (b) Only two; Difficulty Level: Medium
Question 3 of 5
3. Question
Q3. {Governance – Initiatives} ‘PENCIL’ is an online portal for effective enforcement of the?
It is an electronic platform launched in 2017 for the effective implementation of the National Child Labour Project (NCLP) scheme and to establish a child labour-free nation.
It connects the central government to the state government, district administration, civil society and the general public to achieve the target of a child labour-free society.
It provides a platform for all to raise a complaint against child labour.
Components of PENCIL Portal:
Complaint Corner
National Child Labour Project (NCLP)
Child Tracking System
State Government
The Platform for Effective Enforcement for No Child Labour (PENCIL) has been launched by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.
Answer: (a) Child Labour Act and National Child Labour Projects; Difficulty Level: Medium
It is an electronic platform launched in 2017 for the effective implementation of the National Child Labour Project (NCLP) scheme and to establish a child labour-free nation.
It connects the central government to the state government, district administration, civil society and the general public to achieve the target of a child labour-free society.
It provides a platform for all to raise a complaint against child labour.
Components of PENCIL Portal:
Complaint Corner
National Child Labour Project (NCLP)
Child Tracking System
State Government
The Platform for Effective Enforcement for No Child Labour (PENCIL) has been launched by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.
Answer: (a) Child Labour Act and National Child Labour Projects; Difficulty Level: Medium
It is an electronic platform launched in 2017 for the effective implementation of the National Child Labour Project (NCLP) scheme and to establish a child labour-free nation.
It connects the central government to the state government, district administration, civil society and the general public to achieve the target of a child labour-free society.
It provides a platform for all to raise a complaint against child labour.
Components of PENCIL Portal:
Complaint Corner
National Child Labour Project (NCLP)
Child Tracking System
State Government
The Platform for Effective Enforcement for No Child Labour (PENCIL) has been launched by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.
Answer: (a) Child Labour Act and National Child Labour Projects; Difficulty Level: Medium
Question 4 of 5
4. Question
Q4. {S&T – IPR – GI} Consider the following statements regarding GI Tagged products in India:
Every State in India has at least one GI tagged product.
Agricultural sector has the most number of GI tagged products when compared to other sectors.
Tamil Nadu has the maximum number of GI tagged products in India.
A Registered GI is valid for 10 years and can be renewed free of cost on the request of the concerned state.
How many of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
A GI tag helps to protect the reputation and uniqueness of a product. It prevents unauthorized use of the name or indication. This can help to ensure that consumers get the genuine product and that producers are not undercut by counterfeiters.
A GI tag can help increase the marketability and price realization of a product. It provides consumers with a guarantee of quality and authenticity. This can be especially important for products that are sold in international markets.
Statement 2 is incorrect
The products in the GI registry fall under five major categories such as Agriculture, Foodstuff, Handicrafts, Manufactured products, and natural products.
Handicrafts have the most number of GI tagged products when compared to other sectors.
Statement 3 is correct
Tamil Nadu has the maximum number of GI tagged products, followed by the state of Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka.
Statement 4 is incorrect
A registered GI shall be valid for 10 years and can be renewed on payment of renewal fee.
The process of renewal involves submitting an application form, a cover letter, and a cheque of ₹3,000 to GI registry. Though the government initially helps the societies or applicants in getting GI tags for their products, it doesn’t extend any help in getting the tag renewed.
A GI tag helps to protect the reputation and uniqueness of a product. It prevents unauthorized use of the name or indication. This can help to ensure that consumers get the genuine product and that producers are not undercut by counterfeiters.
A GI tag can help increase the marketability and price realization of a product. It provides consumers with a guarantee of quality and authenticity. This can be especially important for products that are sold in international markets.
Statement 2 is incorrect
The products in the GI registry fall under five major categories such as Agriculture, Foodstuff, Handicrafts, Manufactured products, and natural products.
Handicrafts have the most number of GI tagged products when compared to other sectors.
Statement 3 is correct
Tamil Nadu has the maximum number of GI tagged products, followed by the state of Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka.
Statement 4 is incorrect
A registered GI shall be valid for 10 years and can be renewed on payment of renewal fee.
The process of renewal involves submitting an application form, a cover letter, and a cheque of ₹3,000 to GI registry. Though the government initially helps the societies or applicants in getting GI tags for their products, it doesn’t extend any help in getting the tag renewed.
A GI tag helps to protect the reputation and uniqueness of a product. It prevents unauthorized use of the name or indication. This can help to ensure that consumers get the genuine product and that producers are not undercut by counterfeiters.
A GI tag can help increase the marketability and price realization of a product. It provides consumers with a guarantee of quality and authenticity. This can be especially important for products that are sold in international markets.
Statement 2 is incorrect
The products in the GI registry fall under five major categories such as Agriculture, Foodstuff, Handicrafts, Manufactured products, and natural products.
Handicrafts have the most number of GI tagged products when compared to other sectors.
Statement 3 is correct
Tamil Nadu has the maximum number of GI tagged products, followed by the state of Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka.
Statement 4 is incorrect
A registered GI shall be valid for 10 years and can be renewed on payment of renewal fee.
The process of renewal involves submitting an application form, a cover letter, and a cheque of ₹3,000 to GI registry. Though the government initially helps the societies or applicants in getting GI tags for their products, it doesn’t extend any help in getting the tag renewed.
Answer: (b) Only two; Difficulty Level: Medium
Question 5 of 5
5. Question
Q5. {S&T – Network Transmissions} Consider the following statements with respect to Dark Fibre:
Dark fibre is unused fibre-optic cable and infrastructure that is available for purchase or rent from network service providers.
It is a single mode optical fibre that runs from end to end with no active equipment in-between.
A Dark Fibre network provides reliable and secure optical infrastructure.
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
Statement 1 is correct
The Dark fibre or unlit fibre is an unused optical fibre without active electronics, carrying no data flow.
The actual fibre is leased or bought from a network owner or telecoms provider.
Statement 2 is correct
When dark fiber is leased or sold to a third-party, it typically includes only the physical fiber itself and not any of the electronic equipment or hardware that is required to transmit data over the fiber. This allows the lessee to install their own equipment and protocols to create a custom network that is tailored to their specific needs.
Statement 3 is correct
A Dark Fibre network provides reliable and secure optical infrastructure.
It enables the potential for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM), which splits the fibre into individual wavelengths across the spectrum allowing greater capacity to be achieved.
One of the key benefits of dark fiber is that it provides an organization with complete control over their network. Unlike traditional fiber optic cables, which are typically shared by multiple users and can experience congestion and slowdowns during periods of high traffic, dark fiber allows for dedicated, private network access.
This allows businesses to prioritize their own data transmission needs without interference from other users, ensuring faster and more reliable data transmission.
Answer: (c) All; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is correct
The Dark fibre or unlit fibre is an unused optical fibre without active electronics, carrying no data flow.
The actual fibre is leased or bought from a network owner or telecoms provider.
Statement 2 is correct
When dark fiber is leased or sold to a third-party, it typically includes only the physical fiber itself and not any of the electronic equipment or hardware that is required to transmit data over the fiber. This allows the lessee to install their own equipment and protocols to create a custom network that is tailored to their specific needs.
Statement 3 is correct
A Dark Fibre network provides reliable and secure optical infrastructure.
It enables the potential for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM), which splits the fibre into individual wavelengths across the spectrum allowing greater capacity to be achieved.
One of the key benefits of dark fiber is that it provides an organization with complete control over their network. Unlike traditional fiber optic cables, which are typically shared by multiple users and can experience congestion and slowdowns during periods of high traffic, dark fiber allows for dedicated, private network access.
This allows businesses to prioritize their own data transmission needs without interference from other users, ensuring faster and more reliable data transmission.
Answer: (c) All; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is correct
The Dark fibre or unlit fibre is an unused optical fibre without active electronics, carrying no data flow.
The actual fibre is leased or bought from a network owner or telecoms provider.
Statement 2 is correct
When dark fiber is leased or sold to a third-party, it typically includes only the physical fiber itself and not any of the electronic equipment or hardware that is required to transmit data over the fiber. This allows the lessee to install their own equipment and protocols to create a custom network that is tailored to their specific needs.
Statement 3 is correct
A Dark Fibre network provides reliable and secure optical infrastructure.
It enables the potential for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM), which splits the fibre into individual wavelengths across the spectrum allowing greater capacity to be achieved.
One of the key benefits of dark fiber is that it provides an organization with complete control over their network. Unlike traditional fiber optic cables, which are typically shared by multiple users and can experience congestion and slowdowns during periods of high traffic, dark fiber allows for dedicated, private network access.
This allows businesses to prioritize their own data transmission needs without interference from other users, ensuring faster and more reliable data transmission.
Answer: (c) All; Difficulty Level: Medium
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