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PMF IAS Geography Books are a must-have for UPSC/IAS Civil Services. They are the only books that cover the subject thoroughly. They are the most comprehensive yet simple solution for Geography for UPSC exams.
Release Date | 2024-03-26T00:00:01Z |
Edition | First Edition |
Language | English |
Number Of Pages | 232 |
Publication Date | 2024-03-15T00:00:00.000+05:30 |
Language | English |
Number Of Pages | 582 |
Publication Date | 2024-05-20T00:00:00.000+05:30 |
Language | English |
Number Of Pages | 541 |
Publication Date | 2024-03-22T00:00:00.000+05:30 |
Hello Sir I’m planning to buy Ncerts & Majid Hussain geography So shall I wait for 2months to Pmf geography? Or/&
Can we expect the full Geography Hard copies by the end of January 2022
As mentioned in the post, only Physical Geography will be ready by Feb 1st week. Indian and Economic Geography will take time till mid-March. Please plan accordingly.
Will this material be comprehensive enough for pre and mains… Moreover, Is it safe to skip ncerts if we read this material?
Yes, it’s going to be comprehensive and covers NCERTs thoroughly.
When will the economic geography part 3 soft copy notes be uploaded? it has been pending since a very long time and everytime the dead line gets extended..
We are very busy with the Geography Hardcopy part. We not getting enough time to complete EG3. It will be covered as a part of the Geography Hardcopy in March 2022. The PDF subscribers will get it in PDF format.
Dear sir, when will you release physical geography book like environment. We are eagerly waiting for that….
Will the environment book serve for 2023 aspirants, or new edition will be released.
The New Edition of Environment will be released after Mains 2022.
it will be panacea for all students.
It will be more better if your schedule time for physical geography will not change.
Will it be useful for Geography optional? and where i can fine the older version?
Eagerly waiting for the complete geography book….
I am fan of the environment book❤️❤️❤️
I just bought the Geography PDF notes will PMF geography book contain similar content to pdf notes ??? if not what is the difference ??
If possible please include Indian Geography, World Geography and Economic Geography as one single part.
Will it be available for subscribers who purchased geography static and current affairs pdf version
we need to study atlas with pmf geography notes or we donot need it?
There is a total of 720 pages in this geography book and you have told in 4 categories, I want to ask, have you merged four categories in one book? (Physical, indian, world and economic)
Physical Geography is different.
Rest Indian, World and Economic in one book
We need india physical and political map with high dpi
hello sir, will it be sufficient for optional as well?
Sir, Is timing of launching of book in feb 2022 still maintained? Will I able to buy it in first week?
Will be useful Geography for mains 2022
will there be any update in the agriculture portion?
Sir, you have taken too much time. I am eagerly waiting for this book and now you are again postponing its release.
sir it is already 5 Feb and we are not even informed about the release of first part of it. ‘fruit of patience is tasty but too much of wait will lead to rotting of that fruit ‘ you are not on your promise !
Sir you have shifted the dates to 15th March now. This is really disappointing. Please provide Economic Geography before prelims.
We all value PMF IAS and its material.
But this time they are disappointing us, postponing dates as per their convenience.
I know good things take time but they shouldn’t have promised to release the book in first week of FEB.
Low key disappointed.
Really disappointing….constantly and unabruptly forwarding dates as per your own convenience…Either fulfill your promise on given time or dont make any commitment.
Yes, It is also a type of crime of emotion
Can you tell me PMF Geography (Upcoming All books) + PMF Environment book covers how much portion of the IAS GEOGRAPHY OPTIONAL? Please mention which (Geography Optional) portion are excluded in details?
How long will it take to launch soft copy????
Eagerly waiting for soft copy. I don’t want hard copy.
Sir please bring it out ASAP. And 2 book taking much time..please provide it before 2022 prelims.
Very heartbreaking PMFIAS, I have been rigorously following your portal and waiting for the geography book . Content quality can not be an excuse behind delaying book as per your said schedule. Once , twice is understandable but a whooping 4 times have you delayed the release !! Very disappointed
Exactly. You could have said in first instance about april. This is very unprofessional.
Sir, will your Geography books cover Leong ? or should I study it separately ?
Dear readers, I am an aspirant as well. But during my college days, I used to work in an editorial firm. I know the difficulties, and problems that a single author has to face, when s/he does the whole work all by her/himself. Big houses have a whole dedicated team, with divided functions. Even then, they do postpone releases. And you expect a better efficiency from a single person, who is doing all of it, all by himself ? Books having extensive diagrams, are even more problematic than complete theory books. Moreover, you don’t know what game is played by big publishing houses upon these newly rising Authors, who are better. And lastly, GOD FORBID, are all of you sure, that during this time, he did not face any death in his family, or may be, he himself suffered from any disease ? He will not earn any extra benefit from delaying the release.
I am from Kolkata. There is no dealer here for PMF books. The only way I got his Environment book was through Amazon. I have no benefit from defending him. But we need to feel from his angle as well.
Hey Arghya Chatterjee ! I am interested to know about your current stance . Are you still defending PmF ? Please describe in detail as you mentioned in the previous comment.
Yes, vro ! I have been one of the first persons to get hold of this magum opus, from Amazon. I gave it a read. Its the best, vro. It was worth all the time it took. My defence was justified and validated by MT Sir. Being an ex-intern in a popular Publishing House, and knowing the complexities, I still stand on my stance, based on the fact that Sir has done writing to publishing, all on his own. But yes, vro, I admit that the frustration from aspirants’ side is also justified, but using insults & derogations, are not supported by me.
Please release the geography books as soon as possible..
Book bna rhe ho ya Encyclopedia. Koi nhi ab aaye na aaye koi mtlb nhi hai.
Aap hi best banao aap hi pdho.
Jai Shree Ram.
Geography hard copy kb aayegi?
We all value PMF IAS and its material.
But this time they are disappointing us, postponing dates as per their convenience.
if you are doing it as market stretagy than you inviting outrage of many aspirants who have stopped starting preparation for geography from other sources as they are waiting for PMF’ias.
please analyze well and provide a date on which you are really going to avial it
PMF ias disappointed us and it’s not completely irresponsible to promise a date and then continuously extending it
if you are doing it as market stretagy than you inviting outrage of many aspirants who have stopped starting preparation for geography from other sources as they are waiting for PMF’ias.
please analyze well and provide a date on which you are really going to avial it
It is worthy to buy this book for 2024 attempt.
So is this book coming for 2024? Waited so long for it… So that i could do revision before prelims through this book.. But now i am hopeless.. Leave it PMF IAS.. We don’t need that hard copy..
When will it be ready?
When will u release physical geo hard copy?
Are you going to release the Kindle version or softcopy of the new edition of PMFIAS geography along with paper format???
Please reply me sir
Waiting for geography hardcopy….when it will be released..
How much more will you extend? Now it’s postponed to June end!!
Please don’t play with our FAITH in your books.
I am waiting for your Geography book sir. Please release it as soon as possible.
As you said the content is almost 90% same and just the images and maps needs to be added and updated. This doesn’t take much time and here you are just taking months and months of it for what reasons are you delaying the geography book???? Its such a disappointment that we have waited so long and still not sure when the book is going to be launched.
I am Time. Since the creation of universe, it’s happening for the first time that PMF IAS has made fun of me.
Aspirants were told to wait for February, March, April, May, June, July, August,…..doom day. With their complaint, aspirants went to Mata Saraswati Ji. She ordered me to setup a tribunal to settle this case. Now, i am here to ask PMF IAS- “What the fuck are you doing since past 6 months?” A whole new book could have been written in 6 months.
If your deadline goes beyond June, our whole telegram group members (12 upsc groups- 30k members) will give poor rating to PMF books on Flipkart & Amazon. Never forget that aspirants have given you name, fame & money. Don’t play with their upsc preparation timeline. Don’t break the ladder after reaching to the top, else you will fall down. You can’t imagine how distressed aspirants are due to your extension of more than 6 months.
Shame on you PMF IAS. Ask sorry from all those waiting for your book. And yes, once your deadline goes beyond June, trust me aspirants can make or break any institution.
Let’s do it. If they don’t release the book by the end of june.
” All the aspirants waiting for PMF IAS Geography are advised not to wait for it. You must continue with the existing PMF IAS Geography PDFs or any other geography material of your choice. ”
If you cannot comprehend plain English language, kindly refer to https://www.abc.net.au/education/learn-english/five-ways-to-improve-your-english-by-yourself/9085604
But what about the left portion i.e. Economic geography part 3.
They told us to wait for print edition for economic geography 3..
Do you have any solution for that?
Eagerly waiting for new dates of release of the masterpiece that admin is creating for past several months.
Please PMFIAS don’t play with us. Please release economic geography part 3 ; so that we can continue with our preparation. Please do mind on this.
Sir, will you be launching another new edition for 2023 apart from ongoing one?
I have waited for Geography books for 4 consecutive months. Its so sad to have delayed till today. During this time , a whole new book can be published. What is the issue? You have already 80% of the content from the online book.
On page no 15 ,sunspot ……line no 5 I think it should be ….the surrounding photosphere instead of surrounding
It’s 21st June, but no update when geography book will be released. Make sure the date for everyone
When the part I OF THE Geogarphy is getting released?
… but good things time is very cheap.
so waiting will be more profitable.
So, now the date has been shifted to mid-august. Doing a mistake, once or twice is acceptable, but when you repeat it, that mistake is called as habit. PMFIAS, you have disappointed us to a length, that now I have decided, that I will not be taking your notes, and will never recommended it to anyone. If you were not sure of date, you should never have shared any tentative dates, from march to now august. It was good feedback from the loyal users that created your name, and we are thankful for the quality content, but you have betrayed us. Now you may come up with, even the best content, nobody cares. This is one of the worst management I have seen in a while. Sorry for the harsh words, but if you like receiving good feedback, then you must also remain open for criticism too. And this time, every limit has been crossed by you.
And now August, just keep it pending till next year.Or just cancelled, the Study iq are producing an excellent material now already. I doubt that it will be very hard for you to access the market now.
I am Karma. I’m the Wheel which comes full circle. Thoughout the ages of Time, I’ve been known for my Wrath. For the first case ever in my Directory, PMF Manju T. has become only such Homo sapiens who earned a +100% only to lose it to a -100X100% . What the hell, Homie ! My Special Investigation Report under Mr. Time, reveals that you’ve disrespected Time by wasting it in OnlyFans. So now you’re gonna “lose Your Fans”. That’s Karma, that’s Me ! Disrespecting time leads to failure in UPSC CSE. I ain’t gonna let that happen. Mr. Time has already judged ur Crime. So, I, Mr. Karma is gonna bring Justice.
I’m looking for pmf IAS geography book. Right now I have photocopy but some images are not shown clearly in black and white print. That’s why I want a color copy of that book. On Amazon or Flipkart there is not showing your book reference. Could you please tell me what will be the issue? I want this book at Karol Bagh address. Please help me out. Thank you
Pmf IAS is cheater they just lure for pdf of first enviornment now geography to subscribers. To get new subscriber
It is better to buy study IQ for geography and Shankar ias for enviornment.
Will the book get release actually for sure ?
book bna rahe ho ya nuclear bomb. iss se jaldi to hamare scientists ne nuclear bomb bnaa lia thha. tumse ek book nahi bani. promised in january ab mid-august.
Sir I want to purchase PMF IAS ENVIRONMENT book for UPSC 2023 attempt but 2nd edition is not available
Can i get the updates for the 2nd edition in pdf if i buy 1st edition now
Hi PMF, could you please release the geography book soon. we are in dire need of good and easy content of yours.
Its AUgust .Hope thebook get released this month atleast
Is there any tentative date ?
If yes then pls post in these website so that student can manage their study accordingly.
Eagerly waiting for geography book!!!!
You mentioned it will be published in Mid-August. Todays its 8th August… Atleast tell the date now just 7 days left for mid-august.
UPDate about the geogarphy book
Hi please update me about the PMF IAS GEOGRAPHY BOOK already its mid august
Dear Students,
We are feeling extremely sorry to announce that our geography book will not be released. Please use our PDFs.
For those who want to study from a book, please buy “Study IQ Geography Book” from Flipkart. It is same as PMF Geography book.
Really sorry to disappoint you all since last 6 months. Good luck.
I didnt watch my Geography classes of my gs coaching b/c they were not good, b/c I thought I would cover it from your book, now you come UP with this, if possible Kindly Launch the book. I am feeling helpless, I can’t trust any other source, please publish the book if possible, and give a date, why it is not published
Please release immediately book of physical geography.. beacuse various state PSC and upsc near about beacuse upsc 2023 prelims only for 8 months remaining
Is the release Cancelled or the date is Cancelled, b/c I have to give attempt in 2023 so I can wait
Arre sir Budapa aa gya apki geography ki book ka intezar krte krte…. Kb aayegi ye.
Sir, the end of August came but still no update from your side. Last updated on 15 August. Please tell whether it will be published or not. And when?
And today is the last day of August and yet another prank successfully performed by our beloved poor man’s friend (PMF) on its poor students.
Very Very congratulations for making the fun of innocent students yet another time… We are ready for your next lie… What is the next date 15 sept. We are ready to get pranked again.
Very disappointing…
Already at the end of month once again you people dint keep the word
Sir till when Geography Hardcopy will be released?
Already september 1 ? atleast the pdf will get release ? do update on timely basis sir. we are waiting long for the material
Thanks alot for the precise update ! cant wait !!
Every page is packed with colourful pictures and illustrations, all fully explained with clear notes
thank you,
manjunath ji
Bhai kab nikaloge jab book jab majboori mein kisi or source se karlenge ya to news hi nhi deni thi ke release karenge ya fr purani use karne ko kyu bol rhe ho “sometime before prelims” likh ke chhod diya purani book kyu le jise pta hai nyi aani hai vo fr 2 baar pese kharche 1 din phele kroge kya pre se book release
Please release Second part of Pmf Ias geography book as soon as possible. We are waiting for its release so that we can buy the complete geography package for UPSC.
Is the Physical Geography has only 1 edition?
Economic geography??
Hi team pmf ias
Please inform me when the new book of economic and Indian geography be available to us as prelims 2023 now, has gone with the winds , ab toe jaldi karo yaar….
Please inform me when the new book of economic and Indian geography be available to us as prelims 2023 now, has gone with the winds , ab toe jaldi karo yaar….
When when when? It’s not fair even after mentioning the date for the release of Indian geography it’s not out for sale, please hurry