PMF IAS General Science Book Cover
PMF IAS General Science Book Cover

West Flowing Peninsular Rivers: Narmada, Tapti, Sabarmati, Mahi, Luni & Ghaggar

West Flowing Rivers of The Peninsular India

  • The west flowing rivers of the Peninsular India are fewer and smaller as compared to their east flowing counterparts.
  • The two major west flowing rivers are the Narmada and the Tapi.
  • This exceptional behavior is because these rivers didn’t form valleys and instead they flow through faults (linear rift, rift valley, trough) created due to the bending of the northern peninsula during the formation process of Himalayas.
  • These faults run parallel to the Vindhyas and the Satpuras.
  • The Sabarmati, Mahi and Luni are other rivers of the Peninsular India which flow westwards.
  • Hundreds of small streams originating in the Western Ghats flow swiftly westwards and join the Arabian Sea.
  • It is interesting to note that the Peninsular rivers which fall into the Arabian Sea do not form deltas, but only estuaries. {Fluvial Depositional Landforms}
  • This is due to the fact that the west flowing rivers, especially the Narmada and the Tapi flow through hard rocks and hence do not carry any good amount of silt.
  • Moreover, the tributaries of these rivers are very small and hence they don’t contribute any silt.
  • Hence these rivers are not able to form distributaries or a delta before they enter the sea.


Estuaries-judson estuary

  • An estuary is a partially enclosed body of water along the coast where freshwater from rivers and streams meets and mixes with salt water from the ocean. [Primary productivity in estuaries is very high. Fishing is a dominant occupation around estuaries. Most of the estuaries are good bird sanctuaries].
  • Estuaries and the lands surrounding them are places of transition from land to sea and freshwater to salt water.
  • Although influenced by the tides, they are protected from the full force of ocean waves, winds, and storms by such land forms as barrier islands or peninsulas. [You know why estuaries make good ports?]
  • Estuarine environments are among the most productive on earth, creating more organic matter each year than comparably-sized areas of forest, grassland, or agricultural land.
  • The tidal, sheltered waters of estuaries also support unique communities of plants and animals especially adapted for life at the margin of the sea.
  • Estuaries have important commercial value and their resources provide economic benefits for tourism, fisheries, and recreational activities.
  • The protected coastal waters of estuaries also support important public infrastructure, serving as harbors and ports vital for shipping and transportation.
  • Estuaries also perform other valuable services. Water draining from uplands carries sediments, nutrients, and other pollutants to estuaries. As the water flows through wetlands such as swamps and salt marshes, much of the sediments and pollutants are filtered out.
  • Salt marsh grasses and other estuarine plants also help prevent erosion and stabilize shorelines [Mangroves].

Narmada River

  • Narmada is the largest west flowing river of the peninsular India.
  • Narmada flows westwards through a rift valley between the Vindhyan Range on the north and the Satpura Range on the south.
  • It rises from Maikala range near Amarkantak in Madhya Pradesh, at an elevation of about 1057 m.
  • Narmada basin extends over states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh having an area ~1 Lakh
  • It is bounded by the Vindhyas on the north, Maikala range on the east, Satpuras on the south and by the Arabian Sea on the west.
  • Its total length from its source in Amarkantak to its estuary in the Gulf of Khambhat is 1,310 km.
  • The hilly regions are in the upper part of the basin, and lower middle reaches are broad and fertile areas well suited for cultivation.
  • Jabalpur is the only important urban centre in the basin.
  • The river slopes down near Jabalpur where it cascades (a small waterfall, especially one in a series) 15 m into a gorge to form the Dhuan Dhar (Cloud of Mist) Falls.
  • Since the gorge is composed of marble, it is popularly known as the Marble Rocks.
  • It makes two waterfalls of 12 m each at Mandhar and Dardi. Near Maheshwar the river again descends from another small fall of 8 m, known as the Sahasradhara Falls.
  • There are several islands in the estuary of the Narmada of which Aliabet is the largest.
  • The Narmada is navigable upto 112 km from its mouth.

Tributaries of Narmada River

  • Since the river flows through a narrow valley confined by precipitous (dangerously high or steep) hills, it does not have many tributaries.
  • The absence of tributaries is especially noted on the right bank of the river where the Hiran is the only exception.
  • The other right bank tributaries are the Orsang, the Barna and the Kolar.
  • A few left bank tributaries drain the northern slopes of the Satpura Range and join the Narmada at different places.
  • The major Hydro Power Project in the basin are Indira Sagar, Sardar Sarovar, Omkareshwar, Bargi & Maheshwar.

West Flowing Rivers

Tapti River

  • The Tapti (also known as the Tapi) is the second largest west flowing river of the Peninsular India and is known as ‘the twin’ or ‘the handmaid’ of the Narmada.
  • It originates near Multai reserve forest in Madhya Pradesh at an elevation of 752 m.
  • Flows for about 724 km before outfalling into the Arabian Sea through the Gulf of Cambay [Gulf of Khambhat].
  • The Tapti River along with its tributaries flows over the plains of Vidharbha, Khandesh and Gujarat and over large areas in the state of Maharashtra and a small area in Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.
  • The basin extends over states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat having an area of ~ 65,000
  • Situated in the Deccan plateau, the basin is bounded by the Satpura range on the north, Mahadev hills on the east, Ajanta Range and the Satmala hills on the south and by the Arabian Sea on the west.
  • The hilly region of the basin is well forested while the plains are broad and fertile areas suitable for cultivation.
  • There are two well defined physical regions, in the basin, viz hilly region and plains; the hilly regions comprising Satpura, Satmalas, Mahadeo, Ajanta and Gawilgarh hills are well forested.
  • The plain covers the Khandesh areas (Khandesh is a region of central India, which forms the northwestern portion of Maharashtra state) which are broad and fertile suitable for cultivation primarily.

Tributaries of Tapti River

  • Right Bank: the Suki, the Gomai, the Arunavati and the Aner.
  • Left Bank: the Vaghur, the Amravati, the Buray, the Panjhra, the Bori, the Girna, the Purna, the Mona and the Sipna.

Projects on Tapti River

  • Hathnur Dam of Upper Tapi Project (Maharashtra)
  • Kakrapar weir and Ukai Dam of Ukai Project (Gujarat)
  • Girna Dam and Dahigam Weir of Girna Project (Maharashtra)

Industry in the Tapti Basin

  • Important industries in the basin are textile factories in Surat and paper and news print factory at Nepanagar.

Tapti river basin - West Flowing Rivers

Sabarmati River

  • The Sabarmati is the name given to the combined streams the Sabar and Hathmati.
  • The Sabarmati basin extends over states of Rajasthan and Gujarat having an area of 21,674 Sq km.
  • The basin is bounded by Aravalli hills on the north and north-east, by Rann of Kutch on the west and by Gulf of Khambhat on the south.
  • The basin is roughly triangular in shape with the Sabarmati River as the base and the source of the Vatrak River as the apex point.
  • Sabarmati originates from Aravalli hills at an elevation of 762 m near village Tepur, in Udaipur district of Rajasthan.
  • The total length of river from origin to outfall into the Arabian Sea is 371 km.
  • The major part of basin is covered with agriculture accounting to 74.68% of the total area.
  • Rainfall varies from a meager few mm in Saurastra to over 1000 mm in southern part.
  • Left bank tributaries: the Wakal, the Hathmati and the Vatrak.
  • Right bank tributaries: the Sei.
  • Projects: Sabarmati reservoir (Dharoi), Hathmati reservoir and Meshwo reservoir project are major projects completed during the plan period.

Industry in Sabarmati Basin

  • Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad are the important urban centers in the basin.
  • Ahmedabad is an industrial city situated on the banks of Sabarmati.
  • Important industries are textiles, leather and leather goods, plastic, rubber goods, paper, newsprint, automobile, machine tools, drugs and pharmaceuticals etc.
  • The industrial city of Ahmedabad poses the danger of water pollution.

Mahi River

  • The Mahi basin extends over states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat having total area of 34,842 Sq km.
  • It is bounded by Aravalli hills on the north and the north-west, by Malwa Plateau on the east, by the Vindhyas on the south and by the Gulf of Khambhat on the west.
  • Mahi is one of the major interstate west flowing rivers of India.
  • It originates from the northern slopes of Vindhyas at an altitude of 500 m in Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh.
  • The total length of Mahi is 583 km.
  • It drains into the Arabian Sea through the Gulf of Khambhat.
  • The major part of basin is covered with agricultural land accounting to 63.63% of the total area
  • Hydro Power stations are located in Mahi Bajaj Sagar dam and at Kadana Dam.
  • Vadodara is the only important urban centre in the basin. There are not many industries in the basin.
  • Some of the industries are cotton textile, paper, newsprint, drugs and pharmaceuticals. Most of these industries are located at Tatlam.

Luni River

  • The Luni or the Salt River (Lonari or Lavanavari in Sanskrit) is named so because its water is brackish below Balotra.
  • Luni is the only river basin of any significance in Western Rajasthan, which form the bulk of arid zone.
  • Luni originates from western slopes of the Aravalli ranges at an elevation of 772 m near Ajmer flowing in South West direction and traversing a course of 511 km in Rajasthan, it finally flow into the Rann of Kachchh (it gets lost in the marsh).
  • Most of its tributaries drain the steep north west of Aravalli hills and join it on left side. Its total catchment area falls in Rajasthan.
  • The peculiarity of this river is that it tends to increase its width rather than deepening the bed because the banks are of soils, which are easily erodible whereas beds are of sand. The floods develop and disappear so rapidly that they have no time to scour the bed.

West flowing Rivers of the Sahyadris (Western Ghats)

  • About six hundred small streams originate from the Western Ghats and flow westwards to fall into the Arabian Sea.
  • The western slopes of the Western Ghats receive heavy rainfall from the south-west monsoons and are able to feed such a large number of streams.
  • Although only about 3% of the areal extent flow swiftly down the steep slope and some of them make waterfalls.
  • The Jog or Gersoppa Falls (289 m) made by the Sharavati river is the most famous waterfall of India.

Ghaggar River – Inland Drainage

  • Some rivers of India are not able to reach the sea and constitute inland drainage.
  • Large parts of the Rajasthan desert and parts of Aksai Chin in Ladakh have inland drainage.
  • The Ghaggar is the most important river of inland drainage. It is a seasonal stream which rises on the lower slopes of the Himalayas and forms boundary between Haryana and Punjab.
  • It gets lost in the dry sands of Rajasthan near Hanumangarh after traversing a distance of 465 km.
  • Earlier, this river was an affluent of the Indus, the dry bed of the old channel is still traceable.
  • Its main tributaries are the Tangri, the Markanda, the Saraswati and the Chaitanya.
  • It contains a lot more water in rainy season when its bed becomes 10 km wide at places.
  • Most of the streams draining western slopes of the Aravalli Range dry up immediately after they enter the sandy arid areas to the west of this range.

Usability of Rivers

  • Source of fresh water, irrigation, hydro-electric production, navigation etc.
  • The Himalayas, Vindhyas, Satpuras, Aravalis, Maikala, Chhotanagpur plateau, Meghalaya plateau, Purvachal, Western and the Eastern Ghats offer possibilities of large scale water power development.
  • Sixty per cent of the total river flow is concentrated in the Himalayan rivers, 16 per cent in the Central Indian rivers (the Narmada, the Tapi, the Mahanadi, etc.), and the rest in the rivers of the Deccan plateau.
  • The Ganga and the Brahmaputra in the north and northeastern part of the country, the Mahanadi in Odisha, the Godavari and the Krishna in Andhra and Telangana the Narmada and the Tapi in Gujarat, and the lakes and tidal creeks in coastal states possess some of the important and useful waterways of the country.
  • In the past they were of great importance, which suffered a great deal with the advent of rail and roads.
  • Withdrawal of large quantities of water for irrigation resulted in dwindling flow of many rivers.
  • The most important navigable risers are the Ganga, the Brahmaputra and the Mahanadi. The Godavari, the Krishna, the Narmada and the Tapi are navigable near their mouths only.

Primary References: NCERT Geography, Govt WebsiteIndian Geography by Kullar [Amazon and Flipkart

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  1. Mahi river cut the Tropic of Cancer twice It originates in the Mahi Kanta hills, from the
    northern slopes of Vindhyas in Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh………………………….YOU MISSED THIS POINT

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