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Three countries recognise Palestinian as a state

  • Context (IE): Ireland, Norway and Spain recognised a Palestinian state.

Key elements to the decision

  • Spain, Norway and Ireland announced the recognition of a Palestinian state.
  • The three countries recognised a Palestinian state with its borders to be demarcated as they were prior to 1967, with Jerusalem as the capital of both Israel and Palestine, subject to a final settlement.
  • Full embassy status to Ireland’s representative office in West Bank & Palestinian mission in Ireland.
  • However, Ireland made it clear that recognising a Palestinian state does not diminish Ireland’s belief in Israel’s right to exist in peace and security.
  • The move is mostly symbolic, but it makes Israel appear more isolated on the international stage.
  • It may also have an impact on public opinion within Israel.

Who else recognises Palestine as a state

  • About 144 of the 193 UN members recognise Palestine as a state, including most of the global south, Russia, China, and India.
  • However, only a few EU members do so, mostly former Communist countries, Sweden and Cyprus.
  • Other states have said they are considering following suit, including Britain, Australia, Malta and Slovenia.

Reactions on the move

  • Israel reacted, withdrew its ambassadors from the three countries, and summoned their representatives.
  • The Palestinian Authority, which exercises limited self-rule in the West Bank, and Hamas welcomed the recognition by Spain, Norway and Ireland.
  • Recently, the US vetoed an attempt at UN recognition of a Palestinian state by denying Palestinians full membership in a vote in the Security Council.
  • France said Palestinian statehood is not a “taboo” for Paris but that now is not the right time.
  • Germany stressed its long-term goal is for a two-state solution but only through dialogue.

To know more, visit > Israel-Palestine Conflict.

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