Q2. {Geo – PG – Climatology} Consider the following statements with respect to Kallakkadal:
It refers to coastal flooding triggered by swell waves during the pre-monsoon period along the southwest coast of India.
It arises due to the influence of local winds and strong winds in the northern Indian Ocean.
The term ‘Kallakkadal’ received formal approval from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2012.
How many of the above statement(s) is/are not correct?
Statement 1 is correct
Kallakkadal is essentially coastal flooding during the pre-monsoon (April-May) season by swell waves on the southwest coast of India.
In Malayalam, “Kallan” means thief, & “Kadal” means sea, referring to “ocean that arrives as a thief.”
Kallakkadal occurs without precursors or any local wind activity, making it very difficult for the coastal population to get an advance warning.
However, the Swell Surge Forecast System by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) provides a warning seven days in advance.
Statement 2 is incorrect
Kallakkadal is caused by waves that are formed by an ocean swell. Hence, the name swells surge.
Ocean swells occur not due to local winds but rather to distant storms, such as hurricanes or even long periods of fierce gale winds.
During such storms, huge energy transfers occur from the air into the water, leading to the formation of very high waves.
Such waves can travel thousands of kilometres from the storm centre until they strike shore.
Statement 3 is correct
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) formally approved the term in 2012.
Answer: (a) Only one; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is correct
Kallakkadal is essentially coastal flooding during the pre-monsoon (April-May) season by swell waves on the southwest coast of India.
In Malayalam, “Kallan” means thief, & “Kadal” means sea, referring to “ocean that arrives as a thief.”
Kallakkadal occurs without precursors or any local wind activity, making it very difficult for the coastal population to get an advance warning.
However, the Swell Surge Forecast System by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) provides a warning seven days in advance.
Statement 2 is incorrect
Kallakkadal is caused by waves that are formed by an ocean swell. Hence, the name swells surge.
Ocean swells occur not due to local winds but rather to distant storms, such as hurricanes or even long periods of fierce gale winds.
During such storms, huge energy transfers occur from the air into the water, leading to the formation of very high waves.
Such waves can travel thousands of kilometres from the storm centre until they strike shore.
Statement 3 is correct
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) formally approved the term in 2012.
Answer: (a) Only one; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is correct
Kallakkadal is essentially coastal flooding during the pre-monsoon (April-May) season by swell waves on the southwest coast of India.
In Malayalam, “Kallan” means thief, & “Kadal” means sea, referring to “ocean that arrives as a thief.”
Kallakkadal occurs without precursors or any local wind activity, making it very difficult for the coastal population to get an advance warning.
However, the Swell Surge Forecast System by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) provides a warning seven days in advance.
Statement 2 is incorrect
Kallakkadal is caused by waves that are formed by an ocean swell. Hence, the name swells surge.
Ocean swells occur not due to local winds but rather to distant storms, such as hurricanes or even long periods of fierce gale winds.
During such storms, huge energy transfers occur from the air into the water, leading to the formation of very high waves.
Such waves can travel thousands of kilometres from the storm centre until they strike shore.
Statement 3 is correct
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) formally approved the term in 2012.
Answer: (a) Only one; Difficulty Level: Medium
Question 3 of 11
3. Question
Q3. {Prelims – PIN World} Consider the following statements with respect to the Wadge Bank:
It is situated west of the Palk Strait within India’s exclusive economic zone.
It is one of the world’s richest fishing grounds.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are not correct?
Statement 1 is correct
The negotiations and the orders essentially settled the maritime boundary between India and Sri Lanka in 1974 by giving sovereign rights over a maritime patch called ‘Wadge Bank’ near Kanya-kumari to India.
The Wadge Bank is located near Cape Comorin, lies to the south of Kanyakumari and west of the Palk Strait.
It has been identified by the Fishery Survey of India as a 4,000-sq-mile area and considered as India’s biggest fishery resource.
It lies within the exclusive economic zone of India and India have sovereign rights over the area and its resources.
The fishing vessels of Sri Lanka and persons on board these vessels shall not engage in fishing in the Wadge Bank.
Answer: (d) Neither 1 nor 2; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is correct
The negotiations and the orders essentially settled the maritime boundary between India and Sri Lanka in 1974 by giving sovereign rights over a maritime patch called ‘Wadge Bank’ near Kanya-kumari to India.
The Wadge Bank is located near Cape Comorin, lies to the south of Kanyakumari and west of the Palk Strait.
It has been identified by the Fishery Survey of India as a 4,000-sq-mile area and considered as India’s biggest fishery resource.
It lies within the exclusive economic zone of India and India have sovereign rights over the area and its resources.
The fishing vessels of Sri Lanka and persons on board these vessels shall not engage in fishing in the Wadge Bank.
Answer: (d) Neither 1 nor 2; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is correct
The negotiations and the orders essentially settled the maritime boundary between India and Sri Lanka in 1974 by giving sovereign rights over a maritime patch called ‘Wadge Bank’ near Kanya-kumari to India.
The Wadge Bank is located near Cape Comorin, lies to the south of Kanyakumari and west of the Palk Strait.
It has been identified by the Fishery Survey of India as a 4,000-sq-mile area and considered as India’s biggest fishery resource.
It lies within the exclusive economic zone of India and India have sovereign rights over the area and its resources.
The fishing vessels of Sri Lanka and persons on board these vessels shall not engage in fishing in the Wadge Bank.
Answer: (d) Neither 1 nor 2; Difficulty Level: Medium
Question 4 of 11
4. Question
Q4. {Sci – Bio – Diseases} Consider the following statements about CoviNet:
It assists in coordinating and facilitating global expertise for the early and accurate detection, monitoring, and assessment of Covid-19 virus variants only.
It comprises 36 laboratories from 21 countries in all six WHO regions, including 3 Indian laboratories.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
Statement 1 is incorrect
CoViNet is a network of global laboratories with expertise in human, animal and environmental coronavirus surveillance.
The network currently includes 36 laboratories from 21 countries in all six WHO regions.
It was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO).
It aids to facilitate and coordinate global expertise and capacities for early and accurate detection, monitoring and assessment of SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV and novel coronaviruses of public health importance.
In low and middle-income countries, CoViNet will support the building of more laboratories to monitor MERS-CoV and novel coronaviruses of public health importance.
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI),
Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology in Pune,
Translational Health Science and Technology Institute.
Answer: (b) 2 only; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is incorrect
CoViNet is a network of global laboratories with expertise in human, animal and environmental coronavirus surveillance.
The network currently includes 36 laboratories from 21 countries in all six WHO regions.
It was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO).
It aids to facilitate and coordinate global expertise and capacities for early and accurate detection, monitoring and assessment of SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV and novel coronaviruses of public health importance.
In low and middle-income countries, CoViNet will support the building of more laboratories to monitor MERS-CoV and novel coronaviruses of public health importance.
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI),
Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology in Pune,
Translational Health Science and Technology Institute.
Answer: (b) 2 only; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is incorrect
CoViNet is a network of global laboratories with expertise in human, animal and environmental coronavirus surveillance.
The network currently includes 36 laboratories from 21 countries in all six WHO regions.
It was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO).
It aids to facilitate and coordinate global expertise and capacities for early and accurate detection, monitoring and assessment of SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV and novel coronaviruses of public health importance.
In low and middle-income countries, CoViNet will support the building of more laboratories to monitor MERS-CoV and novel coronaviruses of public health importance.
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI),
Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology in Pune,
Translational Health Science and Technology Institute.
Answer: (b) 2 only; Difficulty Level: Medium
Question 5 of 11
5. Question
Q5. {Geo – PG – Climatology} Consider the following statements:
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) declares a heat wave if the maximum temperature of a weather station reaches at least 40oC in the plains and at least 30oC in hilly regions.
The wet bulb temperature is the highest temperature to which a surface can be cooled by water evaporating from it.
In the plains, a heat wave is declared when the maximum temperature reaches at least 40oCelsius, while in hilly regions, it is declared when the maximum temperature reaches at least 30oCelsius.
The IMD can also declare a heat wave if the actual maximum temperature crosses 45oC, and a ‘severe heat wave’ if it crosses 47oC.
Statement 2 is incorrect
The wet bulb temperature is the lowest temperature to which air can be cooled by the evaporation of water into the air.
It is a measure of the moisture levels in the atmosphere and takes into account both temperature and relative humidity, providing a more accurate representation of the actual felt temperature, especially during humid conditions.
In the plains, a heat wave is declared when the maximum temperature reaches at least 40oCelsius, while in hilly regions, it is declared when the maximum temperature reaches at least 30oCelsius.
The IMD can also declare a heat wave if the actual maximum temperature crosses 45oC, and a ‘severe heat wave’ if it crosses 47oC.
Statement 2 is incorrect
The wet bulb temperature is the lowest temperature to which air can be cooled by the evaporation of water into the air.
It is a measure of the moisture levels in the atmosphere and takes into account both temperature and relative humidity, providing a more accurate representation of the actual felt temperature, especially during humid conditions.
In the plains, a heat wave is declared when the maximum temperature reaches at least 40oCelsius, while in hilly regions, it is declared when the maximum temperature reaches at least 30oCelsius.
The IMD can also declare a heat wave if the actual maximum temperature crosses 45oC, and a ‘severe heat wave’ if it crosses 47oC.
Statement 2 is incorrect
The wet bulb temperature is the lowest temperature to which air can be cooled by the evaporation of water into the air.
It is a measure of the moisture levels in the atmosphere and takes into account both temperature and relative humidity, providing a more accurate representation of the actual felt temperature, especially during humid conditions.
Answer: (a) 1 only; Difficulty Level: Medium
Question 6 of 11
6. Question
Q6. {Prelims – PIN World} With which of the following countries Venezuela shares its borders?
Venezuela, officially known as the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is a country located on the northern coast of South America.
It is bordered by Brazil, Colombia, and Guyana, and it has a coastline along the Caribbean Sea to the north.
The capital and largest city of Venezuela is Caracas. The official language is Spanish.
The country is known for its diverse landscapes, including the Andes mountains, vast grasslands, and the Amazon rainforest.
Some of its notable landmarks include Angel Falls, the world’s highestuninterrupted waterfall, the Caribbean islands of Margarita and Los Roques, and the diverse wildlife found in the Orinoco Delta.
Answer: (d) Brazil, Colombia, and Guyana; Difficulty Level: Medium
Venezuela, officially known as the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is a country located on the northern coast of South America.
It is bordered by Brazil, Colombia, and Guyana, and it has a coastline along the Caribbean Sea to the north.
The capital and largest city of Venezuela is Caracas. The official language is Spanish.
The country is known for its diverse landscapes, including the Andes mountains, vast grasslands, and the Amazon rainforest.
Some of its notable landmarks include Angel Falls, the world’s highestuninterrupted waterfall, the Caribbean islands of Margarita and Los Roques, and the diverse wildlife found in the Orinoco Delta.
Answer: (d) Brazil, Colombia, and Guyana; Difficulty Level: Medium
Venezuela, officially known as the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is a country located on the northern coast of South America.
It is bordered by Brazil, Colombia, and Guyana, and it has a coastline along the Caribbean Sea to the north.
The capital and largest city of Venezuela is Caracas. The official language is Spanish.
The country is known for its diverse landscapes, including the Andes mountains, vast grasslands, and the Amazon rainforest.
Some of its notable landmarks include Angel Falls, the world’s highestuninterrupted waterfall, the Caribbean islands of Margarita and Los Roques, and the diverse wildlife found in the Orinoco Delta.
Answer: (d) Brazil, Colombia, and Guyana; Difficulty Level: Medium
Question 7 of 11
7. Question
Q7. {Prelims – S&T – In News} Consider the following statements regarding Juice Jacking:
Juice Jacking is a form of cyberattack where public USB charging ports are tampered with and infected to steal data or install malware on connected devices.
To prevent Juice Jacking attacks, users should avoid connecting their devices to public USB ports and use personal chargers instead.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
Statement 1 is correct
Juice Jacking is a form of cyberattack where public USB charging ports are tampered with and infected to steal data or install malware on connected devices.
Juice Jacking is a real security concern in public places such as airports, cafes, and shopping centers.
In this attack, malicious actors manipulate USB charging ports to compromise connected devices.
They may install malware, steal sensitive data (such as passwords and credit card information), or gain unauthorized access to the device.
The unsuspecting user, seeking a quick charge, unknowingly connects their phone or other electronic device to a compromised USB port, allowing the attacker to exploit vulnerabilities.
Statement 2 is correct
Mitigating the risk of Juice Jacking involves adopting several precautions:
Avoid Public USB Ports: Refrain from using public charging stations, especially those found in public transportation hubs, airports, or other high-traffic areas. These ports are more susceptible to tampering.
USB Data Blockers (USB Condoms): Consider using USB data blockers (also known as USB condoms). These small devices allow only power transfer while blocking data transfer through the USB cable. They act as a protective barrier between your device and the charging port.
Use Power Outlets: Whenever possible, charge your devices directly from power outlets rather than relying on USB ports.
Enable Data Transfer Prompt: On your device, disable automatic data transfer when connected via USB. Some devices prompt you to choose between “charging only” and “data transfer” modes when connected to a USB port. Always select “charging only” to prevent data exchange.
Answer: (c) Both 1 and 2; Difficulty Level: Easy
Statement 1 is correct
Juice Jacking is a form of cyberattack where public USB charging ports are tampered with and infected to steal data or install malware on connected devices.
Juice Jacking is a real security concern in public places such as airports, cafes, and shopping centers.
In this attack, malicious actors manipulate USB charging ports to compromise connected devices.
They may install malware, steal sensitive data (such as passwords and credit card information), or gain unauthorized access to the device.
The unsuspecting user, seeking a quick charge, unknowingly connects their phone or other electronic device to a compromised USB port, allowing the attacker to exploit vulnerabilities.
Statement 2 is correct
Mitigating the risk of Juice Jacking involves adopting several precautions:
Avoid Public USB Ports: Refrain from using public charging stations, especially those found in public transportation hubs, airports, or other high-traffic areas. These ports are more susceptible to tampering.
USB Data Blockers (USB Condoms): Consider using USB data blockers (also known as USB condoms). These small devices allow only power transfer while blocking data transfer through the USB cable. They act as a protective barrier between your device and the charging port.
Use Power Outlets: Whenever possible, charge your devices directly from power outlets rather than relying on USB ports.
Enable Data Transfer Prompt: On your device, disable automatic data transfer when connected via USB. Some devices prompt you to choose between “charging only” and “data transfer” modes when connected to a USB port. Always select “charging only” to prevent data exchange.
Answer: (c) Both 1 and 2; Difficulty Level: Easy
Statement 1 is correct
Juice Jacking is a form of cyberattack where public USB charging ports are tampered with and infected to steal data or install malware on connected devices.
Juice Jacking is a real security concern in public places such as airports, cafes, and shopping centers.
In this attack, malicious actors manipulate USB charging ports to compromise connected devices.
They may install malware, steal sensitive data (such as passwords and credit card information), or gain unauthorized access to the device.
The unsuspecting user, seeking a quick charge, unknowingly connects their phone or other electronic device to a compromised USB port, allowing the attacker to exploit vulnerabilities.
Statement 2 is correct
Mitigating the risk of Juice Jacking involves adopting several precautions:
Avoid Public USB Ports: Refrain from using public charging stations, especially those found in public transportation hubs, airports, or other high-traffic areas. These ports are more susceptible to tampering.
USB Data Blockers (USB Condoms): Consider using USB data blockers (also known as USB condoms). These small devices allow only power transfer while blocking data transfer through the USB cable. They act as a protective barrier between your device and the charging port.
Use Power Outlets: Whenever possible, charge your devices directly from power outlets rather than relying on USB ports.
Enable Data Transfer Prompt: On your device, disable automatic data transfer when connected via USB. Some devices prompt you to choose between “charging only” and “data transfer” modes when connected to a USB port. Always select “charging only” to prevent data exchange.
Answer: (c) Both 1 and 2; Difficulty Level: Easy
Question 8 of 11
8. Question
Q8. {IE – Taxation} Consider the following statements:
Tax evasion focuses on income tax, while tax avoidance applies to other types of taxes.
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) does not cover alcohol, electricity and petroleum products.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are not correct?
Statement 1 is incorrect
Tax evasion and tax avoidance are not distinguished by the type of tax they focus on.
Tax evasion refers to illegal practices where individuals or entities deliberately misrepresent their income or financial information to reduce their tax liability.
On the other hand, tax avoidance involves exploiting legal loopholes or using creative accounting methods to minimize the amount of tax owed.
Both tax evasion and tax avoidance can apply to various types of taxes, including income tax, sales tax, or property tax.
Statement 2 is correct
As of now, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) does not coverelectricity and petroleum products.
While GST has consolidated multiple indirect taxes, some items are still outside its purview.
Alcohol for human consumption, as well as petroleum products such as diesel, petrol, naturalgas, and aviation turbine fuel, are kept out of GST.
Additionally, electricity is also not covered under GST, as these items have significant revenue implications for both the central and state governments.
Answer: (a) 1 only; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is incorrect
Tax evasion and tax avoidance are not distinguished by the type of tax they focus on.
Tax evasion refers to illegal practices where individuals or entities deliberately misrepresent their income or financial information to reduce their tax liability.
On the other hand, tax avoidance involves exploiting legal loopholes or using creative accounting methods to minimize the amount of tax owed.
Both tax evasion and tax avoidance can apply to various types of taxes, including income tax, sales tax, or property tax.
Statement 2 is correct
As of now, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) does not coverelectricity and petroleum products.
While GST has consolidated multiple indirect taxes, some items are still outside its purview.
Alcohol for human consumption, as well as petroleum products such as diesel, petrol, naturalgas, and aviation turbine fuel, are kept out of GST.
Additionally, electricity is also not covered under GST, as these items have significant revenue implications for both the central and state governments.
Answer: (a) 1 only; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is incorrect
Tax evasion and tax avoidance are not distinguished by the type of tax they focus on.
Tax evasion refers to illegal practices where individuals or entities deliberately misrepresent their income or financial information to reduce their tax liability.
On the other hand, tax avoidance involves exploiting legal loopholes or using creative accounting methods to minimize the amount of tax owed.
Both tax evasion and tax avoidance can apply to various types of taxes, including income tax, sales tax, or property tax.
Statement 2 is correct
As of now, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) does not coverelectricity and petroleum products.
While GST has consolidated multiple indirect taxes, some items are still outside its purview.
Alcohol for human consumption, as well as petroleum products such as diesel, petrol, naturalgas, and aviation turbine fuel, are kept out of GST.
Additionally, electricity is also not covered under GST, as these items have significant revenue implications for both the central and state governments.
Answer: (a) 1 only; Difficulty Level: Medium
Question 9 of 11
9. Question
Q9. {Prelims – Envi – Species} Consider the following statements about Nilgiri Tahr:
It is the State Animal of Tamil Nadu and is the only mountain ungulate in southern India.
Nilgiri Tahr is listed as Critically Endangered on IUCN with the Eravikulam National Park having its largest surviving population.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
Statement 1 is correct
The Tamil Nadu State Forest Department, in collaboration with WWF-India, successfully radio-collared a fully-grown saddleback (grown-up male) NilgiriTahr in Mukurthi National Park.
This operation marked the first time a mountain ungulate was collared without tranquilizing it.
Nilgiri Tahr, locally known as Varaiaadu, is the state animal of Tamil Nadu.
It is the only mountain ungulate in southern India among the 12 species found in India.
Statement 2 is incorrect
Conservation Status:
IUCN Status: Endangered
WPA, 1972: Schedule-I
Distribution: It is endemic to the southern part of the Western Ghats, which falls in the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
Eravikulam National Park has the highest density and largest surviving population of Nilgiri tahr.
Habitat: Tropical montane grasslands, sholas forests and rocky areas at high elevations.
Adaptation: It is adapted to a cold and wet tropical environment. The species is diurnal.
Answer: (a) 1 only; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is correct
The Tamil Nadu State Forest Department, in collaboration with WWF-India, successfully radio-collared a fully-grown saddleback (grown-up male) NilgiriTahr in Mukurthi National Park.
This operation marked the first time a mountain ungulate was collared without tranquilizing it.
Nilgiri Tahr, locally known as Varaiaadu, is the state animal of Tamil Nadu.
It is the only mountain ungulate in southern India among the 12 species found in India.
Statement 2 is incorrect
Conservation Status:
IUCN Status: Endangered
WPA, 1972: Schedule-I
Distribution: It is endemic to the southern part of the Western Ghats, which falls in the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
Eravikulam National Park has the highest density and largest surviving population of Nilgiri tahr.
Habitat: Tropical montane grasslands, sholas forests and rocky areas at high elevations.
Adaptation: It is adapted to a cold and wet tropical environment. The species is diurnal.
Answer: (a) 1 only; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is correct
The Tamil Nadu State Forest Department, in collaboration with WWF-India, successfully radio-collared a fully-grown saddleback (grown-up male) NilgiriTahr in Mukurthi National Park.
This operation marked the first time a mountain ungulate was collared without tranquilizing it.
Nilgiri Tahr, locally known as Varaiaadu, is the state animal of Tamil Nadu.
It is the only mountain ungulate in southern India among the 12 species found in India.
Statement 2 is incorrect
Conservation Status:
IUCN Status: Endangered
WPA, 1972: Schedule-I
Distribution: It is endemic to the southern part of the Western Ghats, which falls in the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
Eravikulam National Park has the highest density and largest surviving population of Nilgiri tahr.
Habitat: Tropical montane grasslands, sholas forests and rocky areas at high elevations.
Adaptation: It is adapted to a cold and wet tropical environment. The species is diurnal.
Answer: (a) 1 only; Difficulty Level: Medium
Question 10 of 11
10. Question
Q10. {Prelims – Envi – Species} Which of the following jellyfish species recently bloomed off the coast of Andhra Pradesh?
The Mauve Stinger (scientifically known as Pelagianoctiluca) is a fascinating jellyfish found in warm and temperate waters around the world.
It has several common names, including the purple-striped jelly, purple stinger, purple people eater, luminous jellyfish, and night-light jellyfish.
Appearance: The Mauve Stinger is typically pink to purple in color. Unlike most jellyfish, both its tentacles and bell are covered in stinging cells.
Bioluminescence: The name “noctiluca” comes from Latin, combining “nox” (night) and “lux” (light). This aptly describes the Mauve Stinger’s ability to glow in the dark due to bioluminescence.
Distribution: It is found worldwide in tropical and warm temperate seas, including the Mediterranean, Gulf of Mexico, and the North Atlantic region. Records outside the North Atlantic may represent closely related but currently unrecognized species.
StingingIncidents: Stings from the Mauve Stinger are common and painful. Symptoms may persist for some time after the encounter, but they are generally not dangerous.
Impact on Local Economy: When large numbers of Mauve Stingers are washed ashore, it can affect the local economy.
Tourists avoid beaches, and fishers may be stung while retrieving their nets, which can become clogged by these jellyfish. Swarms have even wiped out entire fish farms.
Answer: (d) Mauve Stinger; Difficulty Level: Medium
The Mauve Stinger (scientifically known as Pelagianoctiluca) is a fascinating jellyfish found in warm and temperate waters around the world.
It has several common names, including the purple-striped jelly, purple stinger, purple people eater, luminous jellyfish, and night-light jellyfish.
Appearance: The Mauve Stinger is typically pink to purple in color. Unlike most jellyfish, both its tentacles and bell are covered in stinging cells.
Bioluminescence: The name “noctiluca” comes from Latin, combining “nox” (night) and “lux” (light). This aptly describes the Mauve Stinger’s ability to glow in the dark due to bioluminescence.
Distribution: It is found worldwide in tropical and warm temperate seas, including the Mediterranean, Gulf of Mexico, and the North Atlantic region. Records outside the North Atlantic may represent closely related but currently unrecognized species.
StingingIncidents: Stings from the Mauve Stinger are common and painful. Symptoms may persist for some time after the encounter, but they are generally not dangerous.
Impact on Local Economy: When large numbers of Mauve Stingers are washed ashore, it can affect the local economy.
Tourists avoid beaches, and fishers may be stung while retrieving their nets, which can become clogged by these jellyfish. Swarms have even wiped out entire fish farms.
Answer: (d) Mauve Stinger; Difficulty Level: Medium
The Mauve Stinger (scientifically known as Pelagianoctiluca) is a fascinating jellyfish found in warm and temperate waters around the world.
It has several common names, including the purple-striped jelly, purple stinger, purple people eater, luminous jellyfish, and night-light jellyfish.
Appearance: The Mauve Stinger is typically pink to purple in color. Unlike most jellyfish, both its tentacles and bell are covered in stinging cells.
Bioluminescence: The name “noctiluca” comes from Latin, combining “nox” (night) and “lux” (light). This aptly describes the Mauve Stinger’s ability to glow in the dark due to bioluminescence.
Distribution: It is found worldwide in tropical and warm temperate seas, including the Mediterranean, Gulf of Mexico, and the North Atlantic region. Records outside the North Atlantic may represent closely related but currently unrecognized species.
StingingIncidents: Stings from the Mauve Stinger are common and painful. Symptoms may persist for some time after the encounter, but they are generally not dangerous.
Impact on Local Economy: When large numbers of Mauve Stingers are washed ashore, it can affect the local economy.
Tourists avoid beaches, and fishers may be stung while retrieving their nets, which can become clogged by these jellyfish. Swarms have even wiped out entire fish farms.
Answer: (d) Mauve Stinger; Difficulty Level: Medium
Question 11 of 11
11. Question
Q11. {Sci – Bio – Diseases} Consider the following statements about Haemophilia A:
It is a rare disorder in which the blood doesn’t clot in the typical way because it doesn’t have enough blood-clotting proteins.
It is a sex linked disorder the gene for hemophilia is carried on the X chromosome.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are not correct?
Statement 1 is correct
Haemophilia is a genetic disorder that affects the body’s ability to form blood clots.
It is a rare disorder in which the blood doesn’t clot in the typical way because it doesn’t have enough blood-clotting proteins.
Signs and symptoms of hemophilia vary, depending on the level of clotting factors.
Males are much more likely to have hemophilia than are females.
Statement 2 is correct
It is a sex linked disorder.
The gene for hemophilia is carried on the X chromosome.
It is caused by a mutation or change, in one of the genes, that provides instructions for making the clotting factor proteins needed to form a blood clot.
This type is caused by a lack or decrease of clotting factor VIII.
It involves replacement therapy, which involves infusing clotting factor concentrates into the bloodstream to help the blood clot.
Other treatments may include medications to promote clotting or surgery to repair damage caused by bleeding.
Answer: (d) Neither 1 nor 2; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is correct
Haemophilia is a genetic disorder that affects the body’s ability to form blood clots.
It is a rare disorder in which the blood doesn’t clot in the typical way because it doesn’t have enough blood-clotting proteins.
Signs and symptoms of hemophilia vary, depending on the level of clotting factors.
Males are much more likely to have hemophilia than are females.
Statement 2 is correct
It is a sex linked disorder.
The gene for hemophilia is carried on the X chromosome.
It is caused by a mutation or change, in one of the genes, that provides instructions for making the clotting factor proteins needed to form a blood clot.
This type is caused by a lack or decrease of clotting factor VIII.
It involves replacement therapy, which involves infusing clotting factor concentrates into the bloodstream to help the blood clot.
Other treatments may include medications to promote clotting or surgery to repair damage caused by bleeding.
Answer: (d) Neither 1 nor 2; Difficulty Level: Medium
Statement 1 is correct
Haemophilia is a genetic disorder that affects the body’s ability to form blood clots.
It is a rare disorder in which the blood doesn’t clot in the typical way because it doesn’t have enough blood-clotting proteins.
Signs and symptoms of hemophilia vary, depending on the level of clotting factors.
Males are much more likely to have hemophilia than are females.
Statement 2 is correct
It is a sex linked disorder.
The gene for hemophilia is carried on the X chromosome.
It is caused by a mutation or change, in one of the genes, that provides instructions for making the clotting factor proteins needed to form a blood clot.
This type is caused by a lack or decrease of clotting factor VIII.