PMF IAS General Science Book Cover
PMF IAS General Science Book Cover

Andaman & Nicobar Islands National Parks

Campbell Bay & Galathea National Parks (Great Nicobar)

  • They are a part of the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve. A 12-km wide forest buffer zone separates both parks.
  • Galathea National Park is the southernmost National Park of India.
  • Vegetation: tropical evergreen & semi-evergreen forests.
  • Major Fauna: Giant robber crab, megapode, Nicobar pigeon and turtle species (Hawksbill, Olive Ridley, Leatherback, Malayan box and Giant Leatherback).

Mahatama Gandhi Marine National Park (South Andaman)

  • It is located in South Andaman. It was declared a National Park to protect mangroves, corals and nesting sea turtles. Most of the coral reefs in the park are fringing reefs.

Mount Harriett National Park (Mount Manipur National Park)

  • Mount Harriett is the third-highest peak in the A&N archipelago. It is located near Port Blair in South Andaman. It is renamed Mount Manipur National Park in honour of Manipur’s freedom fighters who were imprisoned there.
  • Vegetation: tropical evergreen, hilltop tropical evergreen and littoral forests. The park is also a butterfly hotspot.
  • Major Fauna: Andaman wild pigs, saltwater crocodiles, turtles and robber crabs.

Rani Jhansi Marine National Park

  • It is located in Ritchie’s Archipelago, South Andaman. It lies in the vicinity of Button Islands.
  • Vegetation: Mangroves and evergreen forests.
  • Major Terrestrial Fauna: Spotted deer, water lizards and monitor lizards. The main attraction of the park is a fruit-eating bat. It plays a major role in the ecosystem because it pollinates plants and scatters seeds.
  • Major Marine Fauna: Dugongs, dolphins, sea turtles, blue whales and corals.

Saddle Peak National Park (Andaman and Nicobar Islands)

  • Saddle peak (732 m) is the highest point of A&N Islands.
  • Major Fauna: Andaman wild pig, Andaman imperial pigeon, dolphins, whales and saltwater crocodile.

Wildlife Sanctuaries of Andaman & Nicobar Islands

  • Barren Island Wildlife Sanctuary: Barren Island is the only active volcano in India.
  • Narcondam Island Wildlife Sanctuary: Narcondam Island is a dormant volcano.

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