Context (TH | DTE): Indiaranks 129 inthe World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index.
The Global Gender Gap Index is an annualreport produced by the World Economic Forum (WEF) that measures gender-based gaps in access to resources and opportunities in countries around the world.
It is the longest-standing index, tracking progress towards closing these gaps over time since its inception in 2006.
It tracks the gender gap across four key parameters:
Economic participation and opportunity,
Educational attainment,
Health and survival, and
Political empowerment.
It ranks countries on a scale from 0 to 1, with a score of 1 indicating that a country has achieved complete gender equality, while a score of 0 indicates a complete lack of equality.
Key findings
As of 2024, the global gender gap stands at 68.5% across all 146 countries indexed this year.
It will take 134 years, i.e., by 2158, to achieve full parity if the current rate of progress is maintained.
No country has achieved full gender parity, 97% of the economies included in this edition have closed more than 60% of their gap, compared to 85% in 2006.
The top 10 most gender-equal nations are found to be in Europe, with Iceland retaining its top position with a score of 0.935. Sudan was ranked last on the index of 146 countries.
Of the four gender gap areas measured, the Health and Survival gender gap has closed by 96%, the Educational Attainment gap by 94.9%, the Economic Participation and Opportunity gap by 60.5%, and the Political Empowerment gap by 22.5%.
The most significant shift occurs in Political Empowerment, where parity has jumped a total of 8.3 percentage points.
Among the eight regions studied, Southern Asia ranked 7th with a gender parity score of 63.7 per cent.
How has India fared?
India has closed 64.1% of its gender gap in 2024 and has declined two places from 127th last year to 129th. It ranked the third lowest among the South Asian economies.
Bangladesh stands at the 99th position, Nepal at 117th, Sri Lanka at 122nd, Bhutan (0.651) at 124th, and Pakistan (0.570) at the 145th position among the immediate neighbours.
India’s rank in all the four parameters:
Economic Participation and Opportunity – 142
Health and Survival – 142
Educational Attainment – 112
Political empowerment – 65
In the political empowerment sub-index, it scored within the top 10 on the head-of-state indicator with a 40.7% score; representation at the federal level remains low. Women hold only 6.9% of ministerial positions and 17.2% of parliamentary seats.
India’s economic parity stood at 39.8 per cent. This means that women in India, on average, earn Rs 39.8 for every Rs 100 that men earn.