Context (PIB): GoI intends to operationalise a new research station in East Antarctica near the existing research base Maitri. The research station is expected to be complete by January 2029.
India’s Research Stations in Antarctica
The first permanent research station was “Dakshin Gangotri” in 1983 (now abandoned).
Maitri: India’s second permanent research station operational since 1988. Lake Priyadarshini, a freshwater lake, was built by India around Maitri.
Bharati: Operational since 2012, it is India’s first committed research facility located 3000 km east of Maitri.
India Antarctica Programme
It is a scientific research and exploration program under the National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), Goa.
It started in 1981 when the 1st Indian expedition to Antarctica was made.
India Antarctica Act 2022
The Act seeks to give effect to:
Antarctica Treaty.
Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctica Treaty.
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctica Marine Living Resources.
Applicability: To any person, vessel, or aircraft that is a part of an Indian expedition to Antarctica under a permit issued under the Act.
The Act provides for a Central Committee on Antarctica Governance and Environmental Protection.
The Central Government would establish it under the administrative control of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES).
It would ensure compliance with international laws to protect the Antarctica environment.
The Act provides for penalties for contravention of the Act’s provisions. E.g., 20-year imprisonment for conducting a nuclear explosion in Antarctica.
It provides for the Antarctica Fund for the welfare of research work and protection of Antarctica.
It also provides for designated courts and inspection teams to carry out inspections in Antarctica, etc.
Activities Prohibited
Nuclear explosion/disposal of radioactive wastes.
Introduction of non-sterile soil/any specified substances and products.
Discharge of garbage, plastic, or substances into the sea, which is harmful to the marine environment.
Damage, destroy, or remove any historic site or monument.
Permit needed
An Indian expedition to enter/remain in Antarctica.
A person, vessel/aircraft registered in India to enter/remain in Antarctica.
A person/vessel to drill, dredge, excavate for mineral resources, or collect samples of mineral resources.
Activities that may harm native species.
Waste disposal by a person, vessel or aircraft in Antarctica.
Antarctica Treaty
It laid the foundation of a rules-based international order for a continent without a permanent population.
It remains the only single treaty that governs a whole continent.
It was signed on 1st December 1959 (entered into force in 1961) in Washington.
Initially, 12 member parties; currently, it has 54 members. India became a member of this treaty in 1983.
Headquarters: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The treaty declares the continent as the world’s 1stnuclear-weapon-free zone to be preserved for scientific exploration.
Application of the treaty: All areas south of latitude 60°. It excludes the high seas, which come under international law.
The treaty provides for the use of the continent only for peaceful purposes, including promoting the freedom of scientific research.
It neutralises territorial sovereignty, limiting any new claim or enlarging the existing claim.
It forbids all contracting parties from establishing military bases, carrying on military manoeuvres, testing any weapons (including nuclear weapons), or disposing of radioactive wastes in the area.
Dispute settlement by the International Court of Justice if they cannot be settled by peaceful negotiation or arbitration by the involved parties.
Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctica Treaty
Also known as Antarctica-Environmental Protocol or the Madrid Protocol, it was signed in 1991 (entered into force in 1998) as part of the Antarctica Treaty System.
It prohibits mining, requires environmental impact assessments for new activities, and designates the continent as a natural reserve.
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctica Marine Living Resources
Established in 1982 as a part of the Antarctica Treaty System.
Objective: To preserve marine life and environmental integrity in and near the Antarctic region.
Antarctica Region
It is the world’s southernmost and fifth-largest continent.
It is divided into 2 parts: East Antarctica (Largest) and West Antarctica.
Major geographical features: Ross Sea, Weddell Sea.
Climate: It is the world’s driest, windiest, coldest, and iciest continent.
Jurisdiction: It is considered a Global Common and does not come under the jurisdiction of any single Nation/Government.
It does not have any native population.
Its Continental ice sheet represents about 90% of the world’s ice and 80% of its fresh water.