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Functioning of 17th Lok Sabha

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  • Context (TH): PRS Legislative Research released vital stats on the functioning of 17th Lok Sabha.
  • The 17th Lok Sabha held its sessions between June 2019 and February 2024.

Findings of the Report

  • Lok Sabha functioned for 88% of its scheduled time, while Rajya Sabha worked for 73%.
  • The 17th Lok Sabha held 274 sittings. Only four previous Lok Sabhas have had fewer sittings, all of which were dissolved before completing the five-year term.

Average annual sitting days of Lok Sabha

  • This is the first time Lok Sabha did not elect the Deputy Speaker for its entire duration.
    • Art 93 of IC requires that Lok Sabha elect a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker ‘as soon as may be’.
  • Most Bills introduced during the term of the 17th LS were passed. 58% of the Bills were passed within two weeks of their introduction.
    • The J&K Reorganisation Bill, 2019, and the Women’s Reservation Bill, 2023 were passed within two days of introduction.

Time taken to pass bills in Lok Sabha

  • 16% of Bills were referred to Committees for detailed scrutiny. This is lower than corresponding figures for the previous three Lok Sabhas.

Bills referred to Committees data

  • 729 Private Members’ Bills (PMBs) were introduced in the 17th Lok Sabha, which is higher than all previous Lok Sabhas, except the 16th. However, only two PMBs were discussed.
    • Till date, only 14 PMBs have been passed and received assent. None have been passed in both Houses since 1970.
  • Question Hour functioned for 60% of scheduled time in Lok Sabha and 52% in Rajya Sabha.
  • Over the years, the time spent on budget discussions in Lok Sabha has reduced. The 17th Lok Sabha discussed the annual budget for 35 hours on average.

Time spent on union budget discussion data

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