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Phtheirospermum lushaiorum

  • It is named after the “Lushai” tribe of Mizoram.
  • Phtheirospermum lushaiorum attach themselves to the roots of their host and appear like normal plants growing in the soil.
  • They flower only from July to September, and fruits are produced from August to October.
  • Physical appearance: The plants appeared similar to Pterygiella species but had a shorter height, distinct bilabiate yellow flowers, and didynamous stamens.

Hemi-parasitic plants

  • They lack a fully developed root system and form connections with other plants, from which they obtain some or all of their water and minerals.
  • Such plants have chlorophyll and produce their own food through photosynthesis. In some cases, they are capable of limited growth in the absence of the host plant.
  • They tap into sap-conducting tissue of the host by means of specialised structures called haustoria.

Lushai tribe

  • Lushai is a tribe under the Kuki-chin group of tribes, mainly in Tripura. Racially they are known to be under Mongoliod origin. Their culture is akin to the Mizos.
  • Lushai lives on Jhum Cultivation. Also famous as an orange-producing community.
  • At one point, the Lushais were known as a Head Hunter community. During the first part of the 19th century, most of the Lushai converted to Christianity.
  • Their Cheraw Dance (Bamboo Dance) is very popular.
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