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Orcas (Orcinus orca)

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  • Context (IE): A group of orcas sank a 15-metre-long sailing yacht in the Strait of Gibraltar. 


  • Often referred to as wolves of the sea, the killer whale, also known as orca, is the ocean’s top predator.
  • It is the largest member of the Delphinidae family or dolphins. Known for their intelligence, orcas are highly skilled hunters and can coordinate tactics during hunts.
  • They are fast swimmers, reaching speeds up to 54 km per hour.
  • Distribution: Found in every ocean in the world, they are the most widely distributed of all cetaceans (whales and dolphins). They are found in both open seas and coastal waters.
  • Physical description: They have a large black body, a white underside, a white patch above and behind the eye, ‘saddle patch’ behind the dorsal fin.
  • Conservation Status: IUCN: Data Deficient

How Killer Whales are Exploited for Entertainment – One Green Planet

Credit: One Green Planet

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